Saturday, September 30, 2017

3D printed soft jaws

So I've been a little slow to make progress on the CNC conversion. Besides work ramping up and kids' evening sports I've been occupied by building combat robots. Here's my 3 pound bot, Love Hate Love (left) inspired by my 1lb plastic bot, Rain When I Die:

If you sense a theme in the names, it's the song playing when I go to hit "Save" on the CAD file, and I've been on an Alice in Chains kick as of late.

In the process of making hubs for the wheels, I needed a pair of soft jaws. I have two 3D printers so I whipped a set up in CAD and printed them off. I added them to Thingiverse. Here's what they look like on the lathe:

They are printed with ABS at 100% infill. I don't expect them to last terribly long but they work well for touching up parts and surface finish passes. I plan on printing a pair in Nylon in the near future. 

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