Saturday, November 11, 2017

Making sawdust

So with the X, Y and Z axes in existence (note: nowhere near complete or dialed in) its time to make some wood chips. A bunch of 2x4 ends donated from a woodworking neighbor are a bit more failure-tolerant than aluminum. 

In action. Had to deal with a couple slips in the Y axis. I had the most mental anguish about the Z axis, but in truth the Y axis is more of a pain in the butt than the Z is ... 

I took the CAD for the X-axis plate since it was the simplest and played in Fusion with the adaptive clearing. The bolt pockets are too small for my 1/4" end mill but the center hole and outline work fine. Obviously in a real part you wouldn't clear a full square around the part - I need to figure that out (probably use adaptive in the part, 2D cut outside?)

Watch the wood chips fly for yourself!

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more successes

Next thing to do was cut something with multiple depths. Eventually I'd like to make some keychains for gifts and myself and family (wel...